The Continued Mission of the ArtDragon - Mastering Illustration

So as stated before... I am truly attempting to give validation to illustration as the answer to everything.  I have finally started my Masters program at the Academy of Art University and here is the introduction that I presented to my instructor and classmates for my Clothed Figure Drawing class.

Hello, everyone,
My name is Thomas Allen Beck and I am currently enrolled at the Academy of Art University to pursue a MFA in Illustration.  I am placing a focus on Editorial/Children's Books/Advertising because I feel that it is the broadest and most direct avenue to use Illustration as an answer to any design problem.  I just recently graduated from the Art Institute of Seattle with a BS in Industrial Design, but my graduate project/thesis was designing an illustration consultancy that I branded as I, Story.  Technically, it is what I have already been doing through Insanity-Print and Publish since my honorary discharge from the US Navy after 14 years of enlisted service.  

My background is Electrical Engineering/Nuclear Engineering and I am one capstone course away from completing a BS in Nuclear Engineering Technology, but that will be placed on the back burner while I pursue my degree in Illustration.  I believe this is much more important in validating a way to deliver inspiration and free thought to my fellow man.  I have it on my own personal website that Illustration is Everything.  It is the key to free thought and expression, to give people the opportunity to reason with their own personal mindset and move to expand their knowledge base and present their own voice.  

Here is my free site:  

Here was my blog that I started in my Advanced Life Drawing class:

I do my best to use social media as an avenue to connect with other artists, clients, friends, and honestly anyone that will help set a great network of individuals that can promote illustration as a way to answer any design question.  I place myself on as many forums and social networks as possible, so anywhere you see Insanity-Print and Publish or ArtDragon1973, it is most likely me.  I had to somewhat abandon my passion for illustration in 1999 when I had initially joined the military, but I did not stop drawing.

When I left the military in 2013, I had the opportunity to reinvent myself because the engineering field gave me no sense of satisfaction in my job or my goals of being an inspiration to my children or those individuals that were an important part of my life.  I do not care to be rich or famous, do not get me wrong... it would be nice, but I feel money soils people's integrity and general ambition for making or doing something REAL.  I am trying to coin a phrase, "Don't preach, just teach..." and I have set forth on a mission to do that.  

I recently was employed by a local community college as an adjunct professor to teach Applied Descriptive Geometry for the Technical Design department.  It falls in line with my life's goals.  To teach.  I hope to expand my base of knowledge for myself, so I can become a professor for several departments and ensure I will always have available courses I can teach.  I look forward to working with everyone to gain positive feedback, present constructive criticism, and just have some fun drawing and illustrating.

I prefer to work traditionally in illustration and sometimes I will scan in my work and use Photoshop to touch it up and composition it, but I try to avoid using too much Photoshop or Illustrator to render actual work. The ComiXray piece was done in a Digital Sketching course, so unfortunately, it was required that I use more Photoshop than I really wanted to... But it was fun, and I feel that was more important.

This all still holds true to my everyday life.  I hope that I can continue to fight the fight to educate across all boundaries and help those who desire a freedom of thought and expression.


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