
Showing posts from 2015

Creating My Final Portfolio for the Art Institute

The last several days have been rather hectic, but even with all the other hiccups along my path to becoming (officially) a designer, I have been able to generate some good presentation pages for my final portfolio. This is also how they will be laid out in my presentation book at the portfolio show as well.

PAX Prime - An Opportunity to Meet Markiplier and Be A "Hero Dad"

So it has been a little while since I have made a post on my blog, and I wanted to get to somewhat of a interim completion point on one of my personal projects before I made a full post on it. As you as know, if you have read some of my previous posts, I had the opportunity to go to PAX Prime because I was able to represent my school, the Art Institute of Seattle, by designing and constructing a major part of our booth for the venue.  Anyway, one of the days that I was going to be an exhibitor at the event, I was informed by my children that Markiplier, a YouTube gamer with a large fan base, was going to be there giving autographs. Knowing the amount of people that would be at PAX Prime, I realized that getting Markiplier's autograph for my kids might truly be a difficult task.  My design problem... Illustrate or design something that would possibly get noticed amongst the extreme commotion of the fans.  I had to read up on this individual to find out who he was and create some

Custom Furniture Design

Finishing another quarter at the Art Institute of Seattle constituted created some custom furniture.  It was enjoyable to learn a new skill set to say the least.  I also finally made use of the new abilities of Adobe Illustrator CC's live trace function.  It has improved quite a bit.  I wanted to share the evolution of illustration - raster to vector.  The use of a laser cutter to scribe.  Incorporating the use of illustration at an angle to make a full composition. Here are basic concept illustrations to begin with... The idea of using the perspective drawing to make a composition and artistic drafting as the build concept. So as you can start to see, I was in the process of actually detailing the concept on cardstock and I realized since I have to build the actual scale model, I should detail it all out and use the original to make "veneers" by using copies.  Here are some process photos of the scale model and the placement concept.