
Showing posts from June, 2015



Rhino's Rhinos/Mini-Light Sabers/Porta-Jet Oven

Here is the latest and greatest.  It's finals once again at the Art Institute and I have been busting my rump to get my final projects finished for Product Design and Rapid Prototyping.  Needless to say, I have been having to do a lot of modeling from sketch models and paperfolding to CNC work and 3D prints.  I honestly wish I had a little more time on my hands to do more detail work, but it is better to finish with a decent project than to shoot for the moon and have nothing to show for it.  Anyway, here are some photographs of various projects. Using Rhinoceros 4.0, I made some rhinos out of bristol (no adhesives could be used)... I call them, "Rhino's Rhinos." This was also done in Rhinoceros.  We had to design a shelled object.  I decided to make a business card holder that I had 3D printed on our Makerbots at school. So this is my final for Rapid Prototyping.  I used the flashlight concept sketches that I did in Product Design, cre

Porta-Jet Oven Concepts

Here is some more fun with product design.  Here is a general synopsis of the "interviews" that I conducted with several of my classmates and other random students at the school and the run-down of the findings. Concept:  Incorporate the use of a convection (JetStream/NuWave) oven with that of the traditional camping stove.  The result would be a portable stove/oven used for camping that provides easier clean-up and reduces safety concerns of butane bottle use. Upon initial analysis, the question was to evaluate the need for an item of this manner, since there are currently items on the market that have stood the test of time.  The Coleman camping stove that uses butane canisters is a standard for the recreational and serious hikers and campers.  The question of redesigning this product to make it better or more efficient and it actually being wanted and well-received by the general public was essential to answer first.  Evaluating this provided the proper target marke