
Showing posts from October, 2015

Custom Furniture Design

Finishing another quarter at the Art Institute of Seattle constituted created some custom furniture.  It was enjoyable to learn a new skill set to say the least.  I also finally made use of the new abilities of Adobe Illustrator CC's live trace function.  It has improved quite a bit.  I wanted to share the evolution of illustration - raster to vector.  The use of a laser cutter to scribe.  Incorporating the use of illustration at an angle to make a full composition. Here are basic concept illustrations to begin with... The idea of using the perspective drawing to make a composition and artistic drafting as the build concept. So as you can start to see, I was in the process of actually detailing the concept on cardstock and I realized since I have to build the actual scale model, I should detail it all out and use the original to make "veneers" by using copies.  Here are some process photos of the scale model and the placement concept.