Caricatures in Illustration

So I had the opportunity to take a few classes that were external to my career path of Industrial Design since I am using my VA benefits to pursue my passion to become a professional illustrator.  I am using my BS in Industrial Design curriculum to focus on illustration as a minor effectively. Fortunately, I have been accepted to continue my education in Illustration with the Academy of Art down in San Francisco.  I digress however... while I have been enrolled at the Art Institute, I was able to use one of my electives to take a Conceptual Storytelling class.  In this class, we had some time to do caricatures and I had an extremely great time doing it... Here's a few.

There are a few very popular individuals, and a few that you might not recognize... Lyndon, specifically, was designed from a classmate that I had to do a collaboration with in the class.  He had to develop one of my stories into a comic strip or storyboard and vice versa for me with one of his stories.  I chose a storyboard.  First here is the story he wrote:

One bright and sunny summer I stumbled upon an amazing song on the internet.  It was really sunny and pretty outside mixed in with the peaceful melody of this song.  I wanted to see more of the outside world and just take in its glory.
I stood up on my queen sized mattress and walked over to my window.  Pulling aside the curtains I saw that old dusty rundown Nissan Maxima.  It sound like one hell of a bucket car, but I've had some memories with it.  I just stood there admiring the reflections it made of the clean cloudless sky.  Seeing the chipping from the paint job made me think I should re-paint it.  More importantly I should fix the engine because it's been just in the garage waiting to be repaired.  I also thought that I should fix it up.
As I kept standing there the music stopped and I came back to reality I immediately sat back down and closed the blinds to be left in the darkness in my room.  I thought to myself, "Dude, it's a crappy car," and so with that I illegally downloaded the song and went on my day.
So my interpretation was to make a PSA about torrenting music since humor is always the best medicine.  The caricatures of Lyndon were my initial concepts knowing that he would be in his own story.  Here is the storyboard:

Sorry, for the expletive at the end, but there are certain issues I have with the way big business beats down small enterprise.  Anyway, I just wanted to have fun with the story in the first place.  Now for a continuation with caricatures.  I am currently enrolled in a class that was formerly called Illustration Techniques, and one of the first assignments was to create caricatures.  Yes, more classmates... 

I would like to end the post with a true high note.  This caricature is of a famous individual although, you probably have not seen his face as much as you have seen his mask.

I will leave you with a saying that I want to coin.  Design hard! 


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